Too Tired Project

I am very honoured to have one of my photographs included in this brand new anthology photo book released by Too Tired Project.

You can support this great initiative by buying the book here:


60 pages / 8 x 10 in. / Perfect bound / Softcover

First Edition limited to 100 copies

Edited/Designed by Kelly Burgess

ISBN: 978-1-7379855-0-1

The first in Too Tired Project’s yearly Anthology series. This book represents a selection of our favorite photographs from 2021, curated from submissions to an open call.

Our vision for the anthology series is to be a celebration of contemporary imagery made in response to/inspired by mental health.

The Too Tired Project is a nonprofit arts organization advancing mental health advocacy through photography.

"We work to develop and expand the ways photography can positively impact mental health - online, in person, and in print. Current initiatives include rotating exhibitions, a traveling slideshow series, a photobook publishing imprint, and social engagement".